Here are some of our recommended readings based on the reports published in June, for those who wish to be updated on Digital Economy data & policies!
- Digital Predictions 2014: The Deloitte Consumer Review, seventh edition, Deloitte
This interesting report underlines the relevant use of technology by consumers who are almost “always” connected. The report focuses on 4 key digital technology predictions (wearables, tablet market, smart homes and the smartphone generation gap) that will impact the consumer market in the next 12 months.
Report & webinar: http://www.deloitte.com/view/en_GB/uk/industries/consumer-business/consumer-review/index.htm
- The Mobile Economy 2014, GSMA.
An explanatory report on the identified key growth areas for mobile industry to provide benefits for users: personal data, digital commerce, connected living and mobile network of the future.
Report: http://www.gsmamobileeconomy.com/
- Raising European Productivity Growth through ICT, ITIF.
A report delivered by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), examines the impact of ICT use on productivity and analyzes why firms in Europe have not invested more in ICT or seen larger productivity gains from the investment they did make. It also proposes a series of policy reforms to enhance ICT adoption and productivity growth.
Report: http://www2.itif.org/2014-raising-eu-productivity-growth-ict.pdf
- U.S. vs. European Broadband Deployment: What Do the Data Say?, Center for Technology, Innovation & Competition, University Law School of Pennsylvania.
The study looked at a number of different broadband performance indicators, including network coverage, deployment of fiber and LTE technology investment per household, adoption, speeds, utilization, and price. The report also analyses case studies of eight European countries, including France, Germany and Denmark, among others.
The main outcomes are that Europe has relied on regulations that treat broadband as a public utility and focus on promoting service-based competition. In contrast, the U.S. has generally left buildout, maintenance, and modernization of Internet infrastructure to the private sector and focused on promoting facilities-based competition. Yoo finds that the empirical evidence provides a strong endorsement of the regulatory approach taken so far by the U.S. over that in Europe.
Report: https://www.law.upenn.edu/live/files/3352-us-vs-european-broadband-deployment
The Global Internet Report issued by ISOC reviews the progress made by Internet, follows the trends and explain the main principles that should govern Internet. The report highlights the need maintain the Internet open and sustainable, through the benefits it offers, underlining the existing challenges and issuing some recommendations to improve the Internet experience.
Full report: http://www.internetsociety.org/doc/global-internet-report
Executive summary: http://www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/IS_ExSummary_30may.pdf
- Actions for a Sustainable and Competitive Open Innovation Ecosystem in the EU from a US Perspective, European Commission.
This is the report issued in the context of the EC work of the Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group, (OISPG). It explains why innovation is relevant, how to make the EU more innovative, the existing challenges and current drivers and finally it describes the role of Government and the need to foster specific public policies to drive innovation.
- And to finish, an amazing interactive infography on the data generated by Internet on real-time. Have a look!
“Internet in real time”: http://pennystocks.la/internet-in-real-time/
Have a good reading!