Willian de Melo
B2B Relationship Supervisor at Diretoria de Relacionamento e Negócio B2B, Telefónica Brasil.
I am Willian de Melo André, Brazilian, 38 years old, 2 daughters and I am finishing business school. I have been a relationship supervisor for 2 years, but I have been a soldier, a sportsman and a rebel without a cause.
I was born and raised in Curitiba-PR, I studied at the Marianist Adventist school and the State school of Paraná, where I participated in the basketball team and studied Italian. After finishing school I entered the Brazilian army, where I took the body training course (CFC), stayed in the armed forces for a year, graduating in military meteorology.
When I got out I had my first born Isabella. During this period I ended up making the wrong choices which led me into drug problems, which took away everything I had achieved. Leading me into a battle that lasted almost 8 years, between hospitalisations and relapses, until God gave me a way out: my daughter Giovanna. She was the lighthouse light I needed to get out of the bottom and completely change my life and existence. I studied pedagogy and nursing, I changed companies and the places I frequented.
God rewarded my efforts by bringing my excellent wife Celine into my life. We managed to buy a house, cars, we were able to travel, until life took me to Telefônica Brasil, where I matured professionally and saw that all the struggle I went through was worth it.
It made me an extremely empathetic and resilient person. With a lot of hard work and dedication, today I can say that I am professionally fulfilled, with a company that not only thinks about results but also about the quality of life of its employees, providing professional and personal growth. This is a summary of who I was and who I am, always with a smile on my face and always at peace.
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