Laura Lacarra
Computer Engineer specialising in Big Data
Laura Lacarra is a computer engineer specialising in Big Data, technology communicator and podcaster. During her time at Telefónica she has been involved in projects such as the Telco catalogue, BI projects and now in RadaR, Big Data for network analytics.
She has combined her professional experience generating content, giving training, organising technical events and giving presentations. Her experience in an environment with few women has led her to promote activities such as Mulleres Tech, organise events such as Women Techmakers, mentor future speakers and teach children to program in schools.
She has been a finalist in the Advocate category at the Women in IT Awards Dublin 2019, has also been a finalist for Women to Watch in the 2021 technology category and has recently been included in Forbes' list of the 100 most creative people in business in 2022.
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