“Telefónica has been the nexus of union between people” Nuria Vidal

Meet Nuria Vidal, computer engineer in Infrastructure, Government and Innovation. Find out about her professional career and personal vision.

Meet Nuria Vidal, computer engineer in Infrastructure, Government and Innovation.
Nuria Vidal

Nuria Vidal Follow

Reading time: 2 min

How long have you been with Telefónica and what is your assessment of your time here?  

I joined the company in 2003 with a CITIUS scholarship and became a member of staff in 2004. 20 years as part of the Telefónica family!   

My experience here has been and continues to be very enriching, always learning and surrounded by the best professionals. But without a doubt, what I am most grateful for and what I highlight most is the human quality of this great team. Telefónica has given me great friends for life.  

Is there any project at Telefónica that you feel particularly satisfied with or proud of?  

When COVID-19 came into our lives, I was working in the Trade Marketing area, in the Face-to-Face Channel. It was a challenge for us to deal with the consequences of the pandemic in a channel where customer contact was our main weapon. But we did it, we looked for alternative ways to always give the best service to our customers while ensuring both their safety and the safety of our shop staff. As hard as it was for all of us personally and professionally, we once again acted as a great team and that makes me especially proud.  

What do you think Telefónica has contributed to society?  

Since its origins almost 100 years ago, which is an understatement, Telefónica has been the link between people, and I can think of few more valuable contributions than that. But it has also known how to go further and not settle for anything else. It has always been at the forefront, not only in technology, but also in its commitment to society, being a company recognised for its firm commitment to human rights, digital inclusion, sustainability and equality.  

Where do you see Telefónica in the future?  

I see it growing, leading and surprising. I believe Telefónica will continue to be at the forefront of the main markets, committed to new network models and cutting-edge infrastructures, but also capturing opportunities and new technological markets that will bring value to the society of the future.  

Could you live without a mobile phone?  

I should say yes, but the reality is that I would find it very difficult. I think most of us have reached a point where a large part of our lives is on these little devices, and this “forces” us to use them for almost everything. The good thing is that I am aware of this and I try to apply digital disconnection strategies that help me control my usage time. 

Help us solve one of the great enigmas of humanity: the potato omelette… With onion or without onion? 

It’s a tricky question, because whatever you answer, half of society will be against you… but even with this risk, my money’s on the omelette without onions. 

Nominate another colleague to appear in this section 

For her great professional and human value, I nominate María Jesús Lamas Lombao

In #Thespanishomelettething tag section we interview Telefónica’s employees on a variety of topics, while trying to solve one of humanity’s greatest dilemmas.

The Spanish omelette ranking







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