Javier Ferreiro
Digital Services at Telefónica Spain
I am Javier Ferreiro, Telecommunications Engineer by the UPM who has developed most of his professional career in the Telefónica group.
I have more than 15 years of experience in activities such as Innovation and Management of transversal projects; specializing in recent years in Digital Transformation, process automation and data analysis for obtaining insights.
As an evangelist of Digital Transformation and specifically of the use of Low Code / Zero Code tools, I collaborate in the Spanish blog anyonecanautomate.com, which with just 4 years of life has more than 125,000 visits; and with the team of internal teachers in the development of training material in various tools of the Microsoft Power Platform (Power Automate, Power Apps). Occasional speaker on Microsoft's enterprise solutions circuit; where I am fortunate to have been recognised on several occasions as a leading member of their global RPA solutions community.
I am a person firmly convinced of the need to accelerate the transformation of our culture and processes, simplifying and digitising them, eliminating silos and inefficiencies, consolidating the data culture.
I have a high analytical capacity, accredited throughout my professional career in different benchmarking, both technological (location technologies, prepaid RFQ Latam, strengths and weaknesses of voiceXML, IPv6 deployment strategies in mobile operators) and competitive and market (prospects for advertising in the basic voice service; opportunities and risks in the process of universalisation of the RCSe service). I have also participated in highly complex projects, including the design and deployment of the first VoIP trunking solution in the Telefónica Móviles - Empresas environment; the deployment of VoLTE service or mobile payment services and their APIfication.
E2E vision of projects, technical expertise, analysis and communication skills are my main strengths when it comes to organising, identifying synergies and driving Digital Transformation, applying a data-driven strategy to improve manual and inefficient processes.
My main achievements in this area include introducing digitalisation in the management of the Android smartphone certification process with zero budget thanks to the intensive use of Low Code / Zero Code tools that are part of our Office 365 licence (Power Automate -Desktop and Cloud-, Power BI, Sharepoint, Teams, Forms, Adaptive Cards); and the digitalisation of the digital onboarding process of the students we train in these same Low Code / Zero Code tools; implementing a more efficient working model adapted to the expectations of the different actors involved. With the help of agile methodologies and a clear and transparent communication policy as key factors for the success of these initiatives, we have designed and deployed process automation solutions -RPA-, open, extensible, scalable and in continuous evolution. The new digital processes orchestrate and consolidate the collection of information, guarantee data quality and transparency, and integrate workflows with suppliers, partners and internal clients; or students and teachers.
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