Blanca Drake Rodríguez-Casanova
Head of Innovation Marketing at Telefónica
Blanca Drake Rodríguez-Casanova holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid (CUNEF Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros). In 2007 she did a Master's Degree in Commercial and Marketing Management at the Instituto de Empresa. In 2015 he participated in the Leadership in Social Innovation programme at ESADE. And in 2018 she participated in Promociona, the CEOE's executive programme for women in senior management.
She began her professional career in the Telefónica Group in 2001, in the Corporate Strategy department. Subsequently, she has held different positions in Telefónica in the commercial area of the Company.
In May 2015 she joined the open innovation area of the company (Telefonica Open Innovation/Wayra), first as Head of the Office of the CEO and the General Manager, coordinating the institutional presence of the area, and later she took over the marketing area and also coordinates the female entrepreneurship support programme Scale up Women.
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