Internet of Things, more present in our lives than we think

Telefónica presents ‘Things Matter’, a study on Internet of Things focused on the user Telefónica also presented The Thinx, an innovative space for partners and companies with the goal of...

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Telefónica presents ‘Things Matter’, a study on Internet of Things focused on the user

  • Telefónica also presented The Thinx, an innovative space for partners and companies with the goal of promoting an open ecosystem for the development of Internet of Things through experimentation in real life
  • Several case studies show that IoT is already a reality applicable to businesses and to users’ daily lives

Madrid, October 31, 2017.- Today, Telefónica presented the report Things Matter, a study on Internet of Things (IoT) focused on the user. This study looks at the reality of IoT in Spain through surveys, in-depth interviews and the direct experience of those interviewed with IoT solutions or connected things, connected vehicles and luggage, trackers for pets, smart dressing rooms, etc.

During the presentation, Vicente Muñoz, Chief IoT Officer at Telefónica, noted: “this study is a first step towards real knowledge of how individuals relate to this new scenario of connected things,that start to talk with us in a simple way through our devices. According to analysts, the IoT market will reach $800,000 million in 2017. But beyond these magnitudes and for IoT to move forward correctly, it’s fundamental that we understand the level of awareness and technological adoption that we have before us. The Things Matter report takes a step forward in this area, with the goal of being a high-definition photograph of a specific moment in the evolution of the use of the IoT in Spain.”

The study, which can be downloaded at, is focused on Internet of Things environments and associated situations that are familiar to the user. Specifically, it includes the experience of driving connected vehicles; solutions applied to the connected industry like fleet management or the monitoring and status of merchandise; connected stores with things like intelligent dressing rooms or intelligent labels, and how one feels when interacting with an intelligent dressing room in a children’s’ clothing store.

In addition, experiences from connected cities are shown with measures like waste management, intelligent traffic lights or efficient lighting, people connected with wearables, connected pets or intelligent clothing, the benefits of placing a tracker on a pet or travelling with connected luggage, and smart meters or remote lighting management systems.

Some of the main conclusions from the study are:

  • IoT is used more than most people are aware.
  • Users relate IoT with comfort and security.
  • Those that experience it quickly adopt it.
  • Individuals generate new uses for IoT on their own and show interest in IoT once they experience complete benefits.
  • There is plenty of room for the development of IoT.
  • The only barrier is ignorance.

The Thinx initiative

During the presentation, The Thinx was also presented. This is an innovative and unique initiative by Telefónica to promote an open ecosystem for the development of Internet of Things through experimentation with new IoT connectivities like NB-IoT and LTM.

The Thinx are open spaces that can be accessed by developers, partners or entrepreneurs. They cover the whole development process for IoT solutions, from the prototype to trials in a real setting. To this end, Telefónica makes an exact replica of the network available to users, together with the support they need to connect and integrate technologies in IoT solutions. Currently, Telefónica has The Thinx laboratories in Chile, Rio de Janeiro and Madrid, and shortly new ones will be opened in London, Berlin and Buenos Aires.

The Thinx in Madrid, which will be inaugurated on November 2, is the only one of the 26 GSMA laboratories that incorporates all relevant players in the area of the network, chipsets and platforms (which represents 90% of world networks) while also including other technologies like Sigfox’s. As an additional value, it allows for the certification of the different solutions and their possible use in group projects.

In addition, Telefónica has used different case studies to show that Internet of Things is already a reality, and that Telefónica IoT is an enabler for the digital Transformation of our customers. Some of the solutions presented to this end are cases from Honda, Hertz and SMIP (Smart Meter Implementation Programme), the British Government’s program for the development of millions of smart meters that Telefónica has participated in since 2015.

The case of Honda Peru explains how after a drop in sales because of the theft of motorcycles, Telefónica developed an end-to-end solution that helped to increase sales once again.

For their part, Hertz Mexico digitalized their fleet, managing to improve the profitability of their vehicles and moving away from competition thanks to an off-rental optimization, improvements in the return service for clients, greater control over the consumption of fuel, etc.

Finally, Telefónica proposed a solution to the Government of the United Kingdom through which all the information on the electrical consumption of more than 30 million homes will be obtained in real time. The analysis of this information is improving peoples’ lives, helping the Government to promote more efficient energy generation and even to anticipate the impact of meteorological changes.

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