Ibernex sets a technological challenge to provide predictive telecare designed to improve people’s quality of life

First call for open innovation proposals through Aragón Open Future, a Telefónica initiative in partnership with T-ZIR

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First call for open innovation proposals through Aragón Open Future, a Telefónica initiative in partnership with T-ZIR

  • Entries for this call for open innovation proposals from Aragón Open Future can be submitted by entrepreneurs, startups, SMEs, universities and technological centres.
  • The entry submission period begins today, 2 March, and will end on 2 April.
  • The winning project will be able to conduct a real pilot of its proposal funded by Ibernex with a value of up to €50,000.

Zaragoza, 2 March 2020.- Ibernex, the Pikolin Group’s Aragon-based company, which develops health-oriented care and safety solutions, has launched a technological challenge through Aragón Open Future. This Open Innovation initiative from Telefónica, in partnership with T-ZIR, aims to discover how new technologies can improve people’s quality of life, by enabling predictive telecare. The challenge is directed at entrepreneurs, startups, SMEs, universities and technological centres.

According to Spain’s National Institute of Statistics (INE), in 2018, 19.1% of the Spanish population, amounting to 850,000 individuals, was aged over 65 years old and lived alone. If the current trends were to continue, the rate of dependence in Spain would rise from the current rate of 53.5% to 62.2% in 2031 and reach 87.7% by 2066. There are currently 900,000 people in Spain who benefit from telecare services, and 25% of this total are members of the older population.

Through the technological challenge launched through Aragón Open Future, Ibernex is seeking solutions that make it possible to design a predictive, advanced telecare service that is supplemented by innovative technology. They want to be able to identify living habits, thus making it possible to predict abnormal, degenerative or risky situations and trigger alerts (by studying activity patterns and detecting changes in these, localisation both indoors and outside, etc.) for interested parties (relatives, medical teams, citizen safety services, and so on) in a proactive way.

The technological solutions they are seeking through the launch of this call for open innovation proposals must meet the goal of real-time remote monitoring of users and must use an optimal mix of technology applied to home-based care for individuals and a non-intrusive, intuitive user experience, performed remotely and connected in real time.

Via this call for proposals, Ibernex is attempting to cover, entirely or partially, several specific objectives. The first is to enable predictive monitoring of users based on indoor localisation and behaviour patterns – for example, if the average activity starting time is at 8 a.m. and by 9 a.m. no activity has been detected, this can reveal incidents such as falls or lack of activity. The second objective consists of analysing the information gathered through monitoring and of developing a smart algorithm capable of detecting behavioural changes associated with physical or cognitive impairment. The third involves developing a communication platform that allows users to receive alerts and pass them on to relatives or the emergency services.

The Aragon-based company encompasses solutions based on cutting-edge technology – such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep-learning-based predictive analysis models, IoT sensors and localisation or tracking systems – to successfully meet the challenge launched through Aragón Open Future.

Submitting entries

Any entrepreneur, startup, SME, university or technological centre with a proposal that can contribute to partially or completely addressing the problem posed in the open innovation challenge from Ibernex can participate in the call.

Anyone interested in submitting an entry must do so through the electronic mechanisms provided at the following address: http://www.openfuture.org

The period for receiving entries begins on 2 March and ends on 2 April. Should candidates have any queries, they should write to the following email address: [email protected]

The winning project will be able to conduct a real pilot of its proposal funded by Ibernex with a value of up to €50,000.


About Ibernex

Ibernex, based in Zaragoza and led by a team of professionals with over 25 years of experience in the sector, is working to achieve the automation, modernisation and digitalisation of healthcare centres, as well as offering personalised solutions that are in line with the market’s latest trends and needs. Its solutions are present in more than 20 countries, with more than 625 installations completed around the world.

About Open Future

Telefónica Open Future, as part of the Open Innovation division, is a network composed of over 40 innovation hubs, present in Spain and Latin America. A global platform designed to create business opportunities connected to entrepreneurs, investors and public/private partners worldwide.


María Zárate, Communication Officer for T-ZIR

Telephone: 610926993

Email: marí[email protected]


Ana Aínsa, Communication Officer for Telefónica in Aragón

Telephone: 666493007

Email: [email protected]


Belén Mateo, Communication Officer for Ibernex

Telephone: 976794226

Email: [email protected]

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