Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams
Within the framework of the European Instant Mobility project, Telefónica I+D is developing a series of applications designed to improve mobility in cities, for travellers and residents as well as for goods distributors and urban traffic managers. This activity is based on the use of technologies related to the so-called Internet of Things, applicable to Smart Cities. The applications are being designed according to the needs of five European cities (Toledo, Rome, Trondheim, Istanbul and Nice) and consider each trip and transportation as part of an ecosystem totally related to the goal of achieving a more ecological, efficient and easy city for the citizen.
Either as a passenger or a driver, travellers will be able to plan their urban trips from their smartphone, using real time information about the best route and the best mode of transport. They will also be able to automatically manage the booking of tickets, car sharing and full payment of the entire journey. In turn, a goods distributor will have a simple application for managing its fleets and distribution while its drivers will have a support system for eco-driving.
Finally, the traffic operator and local authorities will monitor the traffic cloud for the entire city. This will be possible by obtaining data from Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS) already deployed as well as from information gathered from combining data from public transport operators, private devices (GPS or telephones linked to vehicles), social networks and from other systems. This service will be enhanced as the Open Data movement becomes more widespread in Europe.
These advances offer a solution for optimizing urban traffic, while improving the security and privacy of travellers, and promote car sharing. The project was presented in Rome. The initial results will be presented during the ITS World Congress which will be held in Vienna next October.
Last but not least, we must recall that the development of technology applications to make cities more efficient and sustainable (intelligent cities) is being promoted and financed by the EU. The Instant Mobility Project is one of the eight projects that make up the EU Future Internet Public and Private Partnership (PPP) initiative, which has been allocated a total budget of 300 million euro through the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union for the funding of R&D cooperation activities. The Seventh Framework Programme, the second since the launch of the Lisbon Strategy in 2000, aims to play a major role in promoting growth and employment in Europe over the coming years. Thus, all stakeholders involved in the development of these technological applications will not only make cities more efficient and sustainable but also contribute to the economic, social and environmental progress being sought by the EU.