Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams
This week, in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), hosted by INDOTEL (Dominican Institute of Telecommunications), there is an interesting Summit, one of the leading forums bringing together regulators (Regulatel) and operators (AHCIET, the Iberoamerican Association of Investigation Centers and Companies of Telecommunications) in Latin America with their host, to debate about Broadband evolution and the challenges ahead for the Latinamerican region.
The Summit untitled “Broadband: the challenge for Latin America of inclusion and sustainability of networks” will be divided in three sessions.
The first session, “The compromise between broadband and the sustainability of networks,” includes three conferences that will review Public Policy and National Broadband Plans, but also the issue of sustainability and future Internet, the NGN and the public Internet, and finally will address the interesting issue of private versus public partnership initiatives when deploying broadband networks.
The second session will focus on “Infrastructure as a driver of ICT development.” The workshop will open with a general conference on all issues tackling with the deployment of infrastructures and then will be followed by a panel of experts, followed by a debate.
The third session, “Making a regulatory agenda”, will close the event, with the perspectives from the main stakeholders, such as the representatives of the industry, regulators, operators and regional organizations.
If you wish to know more about this Summit, you can click here for the Agenda (only in Spanish) and also have access to the presentations, once registered.