Telefónica presents Pigram, the answer to posting on social networks and other channels when there is no Internet access

All you need to do is send a conventional SMS through a simple App, facilitating Internet communication in situations when there is no data coverage or it goes down, for example in emergency...

Reading time: 2 min
  • All you need to do is send a conventional SMS through a simple App, facilitating Internet communication in situations when there is no data coverage or it goes down, for example in emergency situations or natural disasters

Madrid, 28 November 2017. Today, Telefónica introduces Pigram, a service that allows Telefónica users to post on social networks or send emails by SMS when there is no data coverage by 3G/4G networks. Pigram will initially be available through four networks: Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and Microsoft Outlook.

Pigram is really easy and safe to use. Firstly, the user must authorise their Pigram account through a web service to be able to post on these networks. To do this, they must enter a mobile number and will then receive a security code to verify their identity through Mobile Connect. Next, they must link their number to the Pigram App, which may be downloaded from the website or from the Google Play Store. Once linked, Pigram is now ready to use. The user just has to select the network where they want to post via SMS, write the text and send it in encrypted form, thus guaranteeing confidentiality. In a matter of seconds, the SMS contents will be posted or sent via the selected network.

The backdrop chosen for Pigram’s presentation was the annual conference of the Spanish Association of Foundations, which took place today in Madrid. At this event, Chema Alonso, Telefónica’s Chief Data Officer, highlighted the value of this application for organisations working in humanitarian emergencies caused by natural disasters like many charities, where the use of SMS is key. In these situations, communications are usually the most drastically affected infrastructures, particularly mobile data coverage. “Technology should help make our lives easier, but it is also crucial that it becomes an engine for social good,” said Chema Alonso. “In a hyper-connected world it is essential that technology allows us to communicate at all times and in any circumstances, and even more so in emergency situations when communication is vital.”

Pigram, developed by LUCA, Telefónica’s data unit, is available from today in beta mode for Movistar customers with Android devices in Spain. As regards the cost, that will depend on the number of SMSs required to send the message to the chosen network (a number that Pigram will indicate before sending), and the user’s mobile tariff. So, for example, for a user whose tariff includes the sending of unlimited SMSs, Pigram will be free.

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