Historical Archive Annual Reports

Annual Report 2008

In 2008, Telefónica Latinoamérica was consolidated as the driving force behind the Group’s growth, with an outstanding yearon-year increase of 22.7% of mobile accesses to which all the operations contributed and which meant a total figure of 123.4 million accesses. Our fixed broadband accesses in the region surpassed 6 million, which was accompanied by remarkable progress in the process of transforming operations. In Brazil alone, Telefónica reached more than 60 million accesses, 24% more than in 2007.

In 2008, the Group emphasised the deployment of fibre, the development of mobile Broadband and transformation of the network to gain efficiency. Their investment in R+D+I1 was 4,614 million euros, 5% more than in 2007. Specifically, the effort in R+D increased to 668 million euros, an increase of 12.5%.

The Company designated 275 million euros to Universal Service Funds; nearly 15 million to training in Information and Communication Technology and more than 80 million in projects to reduce the economic and geographic divide.