Christian Gebara
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Telefónica Brazil

Christian holds a degree in Business Administration from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation – São Paulo and an MBA from the Graduate School of Business – Stanford University. He joined Telefónica in June 2006 as Director of Quality and Processes, Telefónica España. In 2008 he assumed the position of Director in the area of Strategy and Regulation in TISA. Previous experience includes Citibank, Banco ABC Roma in Sao Paulo, JP Morgan Chase in New York and McKinsey & Company in Spain.
En 2011, con la integración Telefónica Vivo, asumió la Vicepresidencia de Estrategia y Nuevos Negocios y un año más tarde (2012) la Vicepresidencia de Negocio In 2011, with the integration of Telefónica Vivo, he became Vice President of Strategy and New Businesses and one year later (2012) Vice-President of Mobile Business. In January 2015, after the merger with GVT, he became CRO (Chief Revenue Officer) and then as COO responsible for all business areas (B2C, B2B and wholesale), operating areas (Networks, IT and Customer Service) and areas of Innovation and Digital. From January 1st, he will become CEO of Vivo.
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