Quantum technologies and public-private collaboration


11:15 - 12:00

Telefónica Hall3
stand 3K31

Fira Gran Vía, Barcelona

Language VO: Spanish

Session description

Quantum technologies will revolutionize many aspects of our society and drive major advances in different industries. From quantum computing, with computers that will have the capacity to solve very complex problems that cannot be solved today with traditional computers, to quantum communications and cryptography, which bring extremely secure communication methods, to quantum sensors that can provide hyper-precise measurements.
During this session, Telefónica will present its lines of work in quantum technologies and will moderate a round table discussion on the necessary public-private collaboration to promote them. To this end, it will be able to count on the ecosystem surrounding the BIQAIN initiative of the Provincial Council of Biscay to develop a cluster in quantum technologies. The round table will be made up of the Provincial Council of Biscay, the Telefónica team that is promoting this project, and the companies and entrepreneurs that form part of the cluster.

  • Quantum
  • QKD
  • QuantumSafe


  • Enrique Blanco

    Enrique Blanco

    Global CTIO, Telefónica

  • Agora speaker

    Manuel Ángel Alonso Pérez

    Commercial Director North Spain, Telefónica España

  • Patricia Díez

    Patricia Díez

    Director of Network and Systems Security, Telefónica

  • Ainara Basurko

    Ainara Basurko

    Regional Deputy for Economic Promotion Vizcaya

  • Carlos Kuchkovsky

    Carlos Kuchkosvsy

    CEO and Founder Qcentroid

  • Jorge de la Herrán y Crespo

    Jorge de la Herran

    Founder QUBIz.team

  • Escolástico Sánchez

    Escolástico Sánchez

    Executive Director BBVA