Cybercriminals with credentials


17:00 - 17:30

Telefónica Hall3
stand 3K31

Fira Gran Vía, Barcelona

Language VO: Spanish

Session description

Identity management is important for all companies, managing both authentication and authorisation mechanisms to harden identity theft as any attacker can steal a Session Cookie, an OAuth Token. Your employee can also give away the password on a phishing website or in a phone call with a fake contact centre. In this session, we will show you how to take your identity policy to the next level with Telefónica’s authorisation control platform also adapted to web3 developers. We will also see how we have adapted this solution to be considered quantum-safe.

Demo Description

Live demo with TU Latch, the authorization control platform that uses security latches to protect companies and users.

  • Web3
  • cibersecurity
  • tokens
  • communications
  • privacy


  • Yaiza Rubio

    Yaiza Rubio

    Chief Metaverse Officer, Telefónica Innovación Digital.

  • Javier Espinosa

    Javier Espinosa

    Head of Software, Telefónica Innovación Digital.

  • Javier Mira

    Javier Mira

    CEO Facephi