Telefónica Infra’s investment portfolio currently comprises investments in 4 asset categories:
- Fibre optic (Bluevía, FiBrasil, Unsere Grüne Glasfaser, Nexfibre, OnNet Chile, OnNet Colombia and PangeaCo Perú)
- Mobile sharing (IeT Perú and Imparables)
- Data Centers (Nabiax)
- Subsea cable (Telxius)
Fibre optic
Bluevía is a network operator that offers wholesale FTTH access and other connectivity services through fibre technology, in selected areas of Spain.

FiBrasil operates as a neutral wholesale FTTH open access platform and its network can provide connectivity services to multiple ISPs in selected medium-sized cities in Brazil.

UGG (Unsere Grüne Glasfaser)
UGG (Unsere Grüne Glasfaser) is an open-access wholesale neutral operator focused on deploying fibre in rural and semi-rural areas in Germany to tap the potential of Europe’s largest broadband market.

Nexfibre is a neutral wholesale open access operator focused on fibre deployment in the UK. The fibre network provides wholesale FTTH access to telecommunications service providers, with Virgin Media O2 as the initial main anchor customer.

OnNet Fibra Chile
OnNet Fibra Chile deploys and operates Chile’s first national wholesale fibre optic infrastructure network. An open and neutral network that can be used by all current and future telecommunications operators in the country.

OnNet Fibra Colombia
OnNet Fibra Colombia is Colombia’s largest nationwide provider of neutral fibre-to-the-home FTTH connectivity services. Its open network enables telecommunications operators to provide the best performing internet services in the country.

PangeaCo Perú
PangeaCo Perú is the leading company in Peru operating a state-of-the-art FTTH fibre optic network. It is building the most extensive ultra-broadband network in the country and aims to have the largest number of users.

Mobile sharing
Internet para todos
Internet para todos is a rural mobile infrastructure company created to democratise internet access in Latin America and Peru. Its objective is to connect the unconnected.

NetCo Móvil Colombia
NetCo Móvil Colombia: Telefónica Colombia and Tigo have taken a significant step in strengthening their presence in the Colombian market by signing a strategic agreement to share mobile network infrastructure.

Data Centers
Nabiax is a leading independent global company in the sector of colocation and hosting services in top quality Data Centers in Spain. Its goal is to drive the digital transformation of its clients.

Subsea cable
Telxius is one of the leading global digital telecommunications infrastructure operators.